Flight Training Programs

Looking to share the freedom of flight with family and friends? The PPL allows you to do cross-country trips, add ratings to your license (night rating, IFR, etc), as well as converting your qualifications to meet the standards set forth by other countries. Our excellent flight training program and ground school program make it possible for you to soar to even greater heights.

For our students who dream of working for Commercial Airline companies, it is essential that they obtain their Commercial Pilot License (CPL). This flight training program opens the door to unlimited possibilities as it puts them on their way towards their career goals.

For students who wish to work for an airline, it is mandatory to have an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). Our students who have already obtained their Commercial Pilot License will be eligible to work as a co-pilot or a first officer. However, if they choose to eventually become a Captain they will need a minimum of 1500 hours of flight-time to obtain their (ATPL). Upon graduation we offer our students the opportunity to work for our College in this flight training program as instructors so they can dock hours to work towards this goal.
Program details
- Airline Professional pilot program is 18 months.
- 800 hours ground courses included
- 200 hours of flight training and 20 hours simulators.
- Students can obtain the Commercial Pilot License with in 18 months and eligible for PGWP up to 3 years
Facilities & Training
- Ground course plus flight training hours,
- PPL, CPL, Multi-Engine, IFR, Night Flying and Simulator
Our Fleet
To achieve a professional career, pilots need to accumulate flight hours and experience. Therefore, the selection of aircraft present for flight training is important. We have a reliable and diversified airworthy fleet of Piper Senecas, Piper Cherokees, Cessna 172s, and Cessna 152s. Changing models gives pilots more adaptability, Whichever aircraft you select, we can guarantee that the experience will be pleasant.